
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Paulaner Bräuhaus - Sunday Brunch Buffet

Jolly Mah is at Paulaner Bräuhaus for a sumptuous sunday brunch buffet

We have introduced Paulaner Brauhaus before in 2010 (Jolly Mah Paulaner Brauhaus Beer & Dinner)

As we mentioned before, we love Paulaner for the freshly brewed beer but today we are here to introduce the sunday brunch buffet *yummy*

We reached here around 11:20am, the brunch buffet starts at 11:30am. The food is almost ready, so we were offered to go in to have a seat.

 Let's have a look at the Paulaner Bräuhaus sunday brunch buffet spread!

 For starters, the green and leafy salad spread.

Only 4 types of sausages now, previously there used to be over 10 different types of sausages for the brunch buffet.

Here is the meat, 'main course' section.

The great thing is, once you sit down, you can immediately order the Paulaner beer before you start eating. Let us get on with the food!

 This is our favorite food at the Paulaner Bräuhaus sunday brunch buffet. Crispy pork knuckles!!

Chocolate fondue

 German apple strudel

First round, here is what Jolly Mah got: 3 types of sausages, crispy pork knuckles, salmon and white fish.

After the first round of food, we took a rest, have some beer and look around the deco inside the Paulaner Brauhaus building.

The interior deco from second to third floor. You can't see all these when you are usually at the bar below. Let's continue with second round of food!

This is the fish you saw on our plate earlier.

Beef steak, not worth mentioning. Few years back, there were oxtail stew which was so much tastier.

 Chicken chop and fries.

Pasta and minced meat 'loaf'

A closer look!

Yummy bread with butter and a thick chunk of liver pâté. This is heavenly!!

Jolly Mah took another round of crispy pork knuckles! These go very well with Paulaner beer.

Alas, Jolly Mah started going for some light food.

Yummy cheese caught our acute attention. But we decided it's time for deserts..

 The german apple strudel pictured earlier.

Bavarian cheese cake!

We didn't touch the ice cream though.

Time to wrap up the Paulaner Bräuhaus sunday brunch buffet with more Paulaner beer. It is free flow and you can order both the lager and dark flavor.

Our stomach is so bloated, we took a walk around the Paulaner Bräuhaus building.

A look from the third floor. This is where we had the sunday brunch buffet.

The bar on the ground floor is opened for business as usual, even though it is only 2:30pm in the afternoon.

Paulaner Bräuhaus - Sunday Brunch Buffet

Time: 11:30am to 02:30pm
9 Raffles Boulevard
#01-01 Millenia Walk
039596 Singapore

Free flow soft drinks - S$40.00++
Free flow Paulaner beer - S$50.00++

Citibank credit card promotion - 10% off total bill


  1. I always get hungry when I see your blog haha. As eat Jolly haha.

    1. Our flock gets hungry too looking at the pictures. They are envious that only Jolly Mah gets to go :p

  2. Beary delicious looking food!! We are starving now!

  3. Little Jolly Mah, how in the world can u fit all those sausages & meat & beer inside ur little tummy?


  4. What a delicious brunch! This meal seems to be enough for a complete day haha :-)
