
Sunday, February 19, 2012

NICI Just Married (Jolly Mah)

NICI Just Married Jolly Mah Bridegroom and Jolly Mah Bride just landed at NICI-Mania. Our flock eagerly joins them as they tie the knot at their nuptial.

I, Jolly Mah Bridegroom take you, Jolly Mah Bride for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do us part.

 I, Jolly Mah Bride take you, Jolly Mah Bridegroom for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do us part.

Jolly Mah Bridegroom gingerly lifts Jolly Mah Bride's veil

The beautiful face of Jolly Mah bride unveils...

We lawfully pronounce you, husband and wife and you may now kiss the bride!

NICI Jolly Mahs - Just Married ♥♥

NICI Just Married is the latest 2012 offering for the Jolly Mah series.

There are lots of lovely merchandise from the NICI Just Married series. NICI-Mania got quite a few of them.

NICI Just Married pink heart shape cushion plush 40x36cm

NICI Just Married "I Love You" cushion plush. It has "I Love You" written in many different languages.

NICI Just Married cushion pink heart shape with 10cm Jolly Mah couple

We absolutely love the new NICI Just Married series for Jolly Mah. They are all so cute!

NICI Just Married is gonna be very popular as non NICI collectors will also buy them as gifts for couples getting married or decorate them for the wedding.


  1. I cant wait to get them! they are too beautiful! :)

  2. Yup! This Just Married series is very beautiful! We love it lots! :D

  3. They are so so adorable and lovely.. Cannot wait to find time to get them~!!
    Hope it dun get sold out too quickly~! Is your couple 50cm or 35cm?

  4. Happy Wedding!! And, if you have any wedding cake left over, just give us a call and we'll be right over to help you finish it, hehe!

  5. Oh how cute!!!! They are cute, I love them! And the cushions are too lovely. That envy hehe.

  6. @OurPlushLove: our wedding mahs are 35cm :)) the 50cms get sold out very fast as people seem to prefer putting the big ones at their wedding for decoration

  7. @Jerry and Ben: you bet we will :D but we're afraid the cake will be finished up too soon hehe

  8. @Bea: when will you be getting your wedding mahs? :p

  9. So cute! Who are they, Hugo?

  10. @Christelle: They are the latest NICI Just Married wedding Jolly Mahs! They should be arriving in Malaysia soon! :D

  11. Your wedding sheep are absolutely adorable with very cute faces :-) And also the cushions are soooo lovely!!!! Our flock sends hugs and kisses and wishes all the best for their common life and neverending love

  12. You made a very nice story of these wedding mahs. I wish the newly weds a nice future and lots of fun in your flock :)

  13. @Leona Löwenherz: Thank you Leona :) we chose from 3 different pairs of wedding jolly mahs to find the cutest looking ones. The cushions are very lovely, they are worth getting it! :D

  14. @potamotrygorgeous: Thanks my dear friend :)) our flock had lots of fun with the wedding couple playing with them and teasing them (^_^)
