
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

NICI Giraffe

NICI-Mania was traveling on a bus and found a suspicious bag left at the back of the seat. We should call the police!!

Something popped out of the bag! Is that the leg of NICI Giraffe?

Now two legs kicked out of the bag!! We can faintly see NICI Giraffe's spots showing through the plastic bag.

NICI Giraffe emerges from the suspicious bag

Hello NICI Giraffe! What are you doing in a bus?
NICI Giraffe: "Someone wrapped me in a plastic bag and left me here!"

Why would anyone abandon you NICI Giraffe, you're so cute and suave!

NICI Giraffe Gwen looks innocently at us. Its like she is saying "Please bring me home"

NICI Giraffe Gwen continues to flaunt her cuteness!

NICI Giraffe has beautiful spots on her body

NICI Giraffe: "Are we on our way home now?"

We brought NICI Giraffe for 'Ika Meshi' stuffed squid with glutinous rice snack before going home.

Ika Meshi is a simple Japanese dish in which a whole squid is stuffed with seasoned rice. The stuffed squid is then grilled over sweet shoyu (soy sauce).

Time to bring nici giraffe home!

NICI Giraffe reunites with her good friend Milo Gorilla!

NICI Giraffe meets up with the rest of the NICI Wild Friends gang and all our flock warmly welcomes the addition of Gwen the giraffe.


  1. Ohhhh I love face, is very cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. @Bea: Yes!! Gwen's face is very cute!!!! Thats why we brought her home :D

  3. Hello Gwen! We love giraffes! They are so cool! You're joining a great family, and that family always has great food! Everytime we visit the blog, we're STARVING after reading it!

  4. the face's as cute as my sis's jeffrey! :)

  5. My Milo (also a giraffe) says Hi.. =) playful faces, all of them have.. HAHAHA =D

  6. @Jerry and Ben: Hello Jerry and Ben!! Gwen says hi!! Gwen is thinking when can she start enjoying all the good food you mentioned :D

  7. @Minghui: Please say hi to your sis's jeffery. From: Gwen. Her nici giraffe is a male? ♥♥

  8. @OurPlushLove: Gwen says hello to Milo giraffe! You look like another NICI lover! Nice pics on your blog! (^_^)

  9. Plushy mode: Yes! our Nici giraffe is a gentleman. He hid among the many ladies, waiting to be bought. Just to prove that male giraffes are as attractive as their female counterparts.

    Reality: the humans did not know that 'he' was supposed to be a lady till much much later.....

  10. @Hugo Wolf
    Hello.. I'm the one who previously managed to get the brown rabbit, but din managed to find one for u, SORRY.. I'm an avid reader of ur blog.. =) just started on that blog in the name of Milo and his brothers.. HAHAHA.. =D

  11. Welcome dear Gwen, you are a very cute one! And very lucky to live in the wonderful nicimania family from now on :-) Our giraffe Beate with lover Bruno (our male Gwen haha), kids and other members of our giraffe flock send kisses

  12. welcome gwen to ur big families~ both old and new giraffe is very nice. love them alot

  13. She's so cutteeeeee!!!!

    PS: Are you still looking for brown rabbit Minily? I saw them at Metro Jakarta. Let me know if u need help getting them.

    - Jessica -

  14. @Jessica: Yes we'd still like to get the minily rabbits! They are too cute not to get :D

  15. @monsterloi: Thanks!! Our flock is starting to love the nici giraffe more and more! Gwen's face is just so adorable :D

  16. @Leona Löwenherz: Danke Leona, our giraffe feels great to be here as she find many of her nici wild friends series giving her a big welcome :D

  17. @OurPlushLove: Hi there! We remember you are crazy56gal :D Wow we're so excited seeing that you started a nici blog. We have linked your page on the side of our page, hope more nici fans get to read your blog too! :D

    Jessica will be helping us get the minily rabbit. We're very excited!!

  18. @Minghui: Hehehe, male or female giraffe they are very cute no matter what :D

  19. @Hugo : which color do you want? and how many of each =D ?

