
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Andersen's Almond Stick Ice Cream

NICI Pug is at Andersen's Ice Cream of Denmark and we are looking to get the almond stick ice cream that we have been craving for! *excited*

NICI Pug stares through the glass full of Andersen's ice cream like a hungry dog!

Spotted, our Andersen's almond stick ice cream!

The Andersen's almond stick ice cream is full of almond nuts drowned in thick chocolate which makes it so enticing. The almond stick cost S$5.90 now. Price has gone up a lot over the years.

 The almond stick ice cream is almost as big as our NICI pug.

We love the Andersen's almond stick ice cream, it is as GOOD as it looks. The chocolate coating is very thick, vanilla ice cream inside is smooth and savory, top it up with the generous almonds, its hard not to love it ^_^


  1. ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xDDDDDDDDD

  2. Yum Yum send me one. Doh! It would melt before I could get it. Did you get some Pug

  3. Absolutely yummy!!!! I want, I want!!! :)

  4. @Birthday Bear: Yup, Pug got some of the almond ice cream :D

  5. @Raquel: Don't we all love ice creams! (^_^)

  6. Mmmmmmhhh, all our plush love ice cream with nuts and thick chocolate, soooooo yummmmmmyyyy. We don`t get Andersens here, but Magnum almond is also very delicious. Your cute pug is very lucky to accompany you :-) Kisses

  7. @Leona Löwenherz: Yup magnum almond is also sublime! Cheaper than Andersen's ice cream :D
