
Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Tale of Two Jolly Rosa

Is that Jolly Rosa??...

Hugo Wolf: Why is Jolly Rosa wrapped in a plastic and put in a box!

Hugo Wolf: Oh no!...Is someone trying to send Jolly Rosa away from NICI-Mania? Who is so cold hearted! I got to save Rosa!

Jolly Rosa is going to be suffocated in the plastic wrapping! Got to act quick!

Jolly Rosa: Please save me Hugo..!
Hugo Wolf: Okay! I will be right back!

Hugo Wolf grabs a pair of sharp scissors and starts cutting away the plastic wrapping.

Jolly Rosa is finally freed! Hugo Wolf is so relieved! Our NICI plush couple is saved from separation.

The overly excited Jolly Rosa jumps into Hugo Wolf's arms and they held each other tightly.
SUDDENLY! A familiar strong voice from behind shouted: Hey HUGO you idiot!!

NICI-Mania queen Jolly Rosa taps Hugo Wolf and screamed: What do you think you are doing?!

Why is there two Jolly Rosa? Hugo Wolf is extremely confused. Find out in our next entry!


  1. That cute Hugo with the scissors haha. Waiting to see what happens in the next entry ^_^

  2. Love the photos! Two Jolly Rosa? Are they twins? cousins? We can't wait to find out!

  3. Haha, LOL, what a funny story happend at Nici Mania home!!!!! The photo of extremely confused Hugo is soooo lovely :-) Our flock looks forward to the next part and Ute sends kisses to both Rosas and also to Hugo

  4. the story is so funny! I love it!! cant wait for the next installment! :)

  5. Hahahaha!!!!! Poor Hugo, he is confused!
    Waiting impatiently for the next part of the story :)

  6. Thanks everyone!! We are thrilled that you all liked this story! Our next entry will explain why there are 2 Jolly Rosa (^_^)

  7. That poor Hugo, getting confused by so much beauty. He did the right thing though, by freeing this Rosa Mah. Maybe the two girls will be friends ;)

    Anyway, one of them needs more cuddles, by the looks of her virgin white and fluffy plush skin.

  8. @potamotrygorgeous: Yes you're right, the new jolly rosa needs more cuddles. The two of them are sisters already! :D

  9. That's good to hear. You tend well to your flock, you can tell by the friendly way they interact :)
