
Monday, May 16, 2011

Jolly Mäh MacRitchie Reservoir Park

Jolly Mäh is at MacRitchie Reservoir Park! Jolly Mäh is exhilarated as MacRitchie reservoir is the oldest reservoir in Singapore. Let's join Jolly Mäh now to his enthralling hiking trip today. Hope you'll enjoy the scenery of forest and grass, and of course the reservoir.

MacRitchie Reservoir Park has several routes you can take on, the whole MacRitchie reservoir park hiking trip will be 10km today as one of Jolly Mäh's main destination is the MacRitchie reservoir treetop walk in the middle of the route. Jolly Mäh is lucky that today's weather is cosy and not too warm.

As Jolly Mäh commence onto his MacRitchie reservoir park's first trail, this interesting animal appears right in front of us! Looks like a lizard of some type with a shiny armor. It doesn't look too friendly but its not intimidating us, Jolly Mäh is clever to stay away though.

Jolly Mäh will now be going through the MacRitchie nature trail. It is a forest trail in MacRitchie reservoir park that runs a couple of kilometers with nothing but tall rainforest trees encircling you and there is no o

As Jolly Mäh ascends the wooden stairway, we slowly infiltrate into the deep rainforest. We wonder how long is this MacRitchie nature trail is gonna take..

3.9km to MacRitchie reservoir treetop walk! One of our milestone destination today. After walking up the wooden stairway, we arrive at the ingress of the MacRitchie nature trail and..

awaiting Jolly Mäh is a daunting forest trail where you can't see the end. But there's no turning back now for Jolly Mäh, so let's go! MacRitchie reservoir treetop walk here we come!

After 2.5km of forest trail that seemed never ending, we finally saw light of the exit. Jolly Mäh was all tired and hungry, so we decided to find a spot for a little picnic and..

Jolly Mäh found an ideal spot to rest our legs and feed our stomach! That's Jolly Mäh's owner taking off his shoes and resting on the picnic blanket.

This wonderful spot is a shaded hut on top of a slightly hilly slope. We think this is the most cosy place to picnic or rest at MacRitchie reservoir park en route.

Jolly Mäh, what's our meal today? Jolly Mäh dishes out the most wonderful, perfect food for picnic - BREAD & HAM! Coupled with soy milk drink and orange juice, a delectable tree break we call it. Not advertising for NTUC FairPrice but their orange juice is pretty good compared to other FairPrice house brand products.

Jolly Mäh decides to take a nap after the sumptuous bread + ham meal. Aren't you a little too comfortable Jolly Mäh? We have to continue our journey to the MacRitchie treeptop walk remember?

Jolly Mäh jumps up joyously and gave us the cliché NICI plush toy pose. Enough of acting cute, you are already the most popular NICI toy, let's get going shall we Jolly Mäh? Another 1.4km to the MacRitchie reservoir treetop walk isn't too far away.

Finally, we arrived at the MacRitchie treetop walk, or the HSBC treetop walk. Jolly Mäh you made it! Good thing we had a break and some food earlier or else we would be starved! The treetop walk signboard here is in the middle of the road, you can still walk further up as there isn't a sign saying "Entrance". We walked up and found nothing, so we turned back in search for the way to the MacRitchie treetop walk.

This dodgey looking stairway downwards is the entrance of the MacRitchie treetop walk. Jolly Mäh could not understand the logic as to why we have to walk down a stairway for the treetop walk, isn't the treetop walk one of the highest place in MacRitchie reservoir park? Jolly Mäh can only wonder..

Jolly Mäh is finally here at the MacRitchie reservoir treetop walk. It is a 250m aerial suspension bridge, so be prepared that it way sway or shake when you walk on it. If you're afraid of heights, we don't recommend you to cross the bridge as it is a ONE WAY ROUTE! Once you step on it, thats it! Jolly Mäh are you ready?

Jolly Mäh gives a fearless sign of YES! What a brave sheep our Jolly Mäh sheep is. You might feel a bit shaky initially on the treetop suspension bridge, after a while you will get used to it.

On top of the MacRitchie treetop walk you can have a panoramic view of the surrounding lush rainforest. This is one of the highest spot in MacRitchie reservoir park, it is worth the extra kilometers coming here. Jolly Mäh totally enjoys the slight breeze brushing through his plush.

This is Jolly Mäh looking down from the suspension bridge, the forest below the treetop walk is thick and dark, you can't see the ground at all.

Jolly Mäh strikes another daring pose on the MacRitchie reservoir treetop walk while maintaining his joyful smiling face showing no signs of acrophobia.

Jolly Mäh gives us another pose saying goodbye as we approaches the end of the MacRitchie treetop walk. Look at that freakishly tall tree growing right beside the suspension bridge.

Remember we climbed down a stairway at the entrance of the MacRitchie reservoir treetop walk? Now Jolly Mäh is climbing back up, not the same wooden stairway as this is a one way route as we mentioned. Jolly Mäh can only advance forward..

After going up, now we're going down! This downward stairway looks like it has no end to it, how much further Jolly Mäh has to go before reaching the ground?

If you thought this was the end of Jolly Mäh's journey, this is not even HALFWAY after 2 hours of hiking. Jolly Mäh has to make one big round along the MacRitchie Reservoir to go back to where we started. There are no shortcuts back home after the treetop walk, so stay tuned for the second part of Jolly Mäh MacRitchie Reservoir Park


  1. Wow, that bridge looks fabulous! Jolly Mäh enjoyed the visit a lot, and the way she poses at the photos is great!

  2. Leona LöwenherzTuesday, May 17, 2011

    Many thanks Jolly Mäh for sharing this wonderful excursion with us :-). Our flock would love to visit this green rainforest paradise and we love the photos of you posing for us on the picnic blanket and very brave on the bridge. We all look forward to the next part. Greetings

  3. @RaquelThe bridge was pretty scary at first but we spent a lot of time on it taking pictures and enjoying the view while obstructing other people crossing :D

  4. @Leona LöwenherzDanke :-) More interesting pictures of MacRitchie reservoir in the next part but not much Jolly Mäh though.

  5. That sort of bridges to cross them scares me hehe. The photos are very cute ^^

    Kisses *__*

  6. @BeaIt wobbles if someone stomps pass the bridge. Thats the scarier part

  7. Hi Hugo, this adventure is very well-written. Like your lively and precise description :)

    P/S: No matter what species the lizards are, they are just simply ...disgusting....!!!
