
Saturday, April 2, 2011

NICI Bed Linen

NICI Bed Linen! We were browsing through NICI shop and stumbled upon these NICI bed linen that they are selling recently. If you're a NICI plush lover like us, you'd definitely seen this before, so we're actually sharing these beautiful bed linens with some of our very supportive family and friends reading this blog. Not a big fan of the Jolly Lovely sheep plush but we love this gorgeous violet Jolly Lovely bed linen!

Jolly Mah animal friends NICI bed linen. They all come with a matching pair of pillow case. We love this design too but why is the pillow case square in shape?

My lovely bear NICI bed linen

NICI Horse Club bed linen

Jolly Mah Gute Laune NICI bed linen. This is beautiful too! We know gute in German means good, so we google translate Laune and it means mood. Now that we look at the design, Jolly Mah really looks like in a good mood, it was pretty self explanatory.

Jolly Liselle Hugo Wolf be happy! This is our favorite NICI bed linen ^_^
Liselle on the bike is so cute but we wonder what happened to Hugo Wolf's clothes haha

Another My Lovely Bear NICI bed linen? You can surely tell we are not a big fan of these NICI bear soft toys.

and another! Are these NICI bears so popular?

NICI Pirates bed linen! This is very very nice, we love it. The color is beautiful ♥♥ I wonder if the NICI store in Malaysia or the NICI retailers CNS Singapore would bring this in.

More NICI lovely bears ~~~ omg

NICI Dino bed linen is super adorable, love the color theme. Very suitable for kids! What happened to Milo Gorilla, Rob Raccoon these two popular NICI soft toys?


  1. They're beautiful, I love to have one. Look very nice, I love the first two and the pirates.

    Hugo, by the way I tell you that on Monday and I will have my panda ^_^

  2. wow that's great! :D
    You must be really excited! We're super excited for you ^_^

  3. wow they are lovely. They must be very expensive.

  4. They look so lovely... Specially those of Jolly Mäh, the colours are fabulous!

  5. @TG-tiger
    Yup, buying the cheapest NICI bed linen is as good as buying a 50cm NICI plush toy

  6. Hi Hugo, we also love the Nici bed linen, especially the "be happy" and the new one with the pirates. And Ute says she surely would have sweet dreams while sleeping under such a nice cover! Greetings

  7. Haha.. I saw the bed linens a while ago while browsing on eBay. Would love to get one but as you said, it's quite expensive for bed linen. :(

    I have the Wild Friends bed linen from old collection. They are very cute. :D

  8. @NICI-Wildfriends
    I remember seeing your Wild Friends bed linen on your blog before, it is nice! I'm linking your blog post of the bed sheet here for those who are interested :D

  9. OMG its so pretty =) Goshhh... I want one!!!

  10. @Enstery Lim
    Pick one! I'll send it to USA for you :D

  11. the more i look at nici stuff the more i want one D:
    just found your blog and i really like what i see :D
    is it possible that you know a site to purchase them internationaly? or where i can fin more info?

    btw im curious, does Big El lion mane is the same lengh for the 25 and the 35? or each one has a different lenght according to theyr size

  12. @Chikapaw!: Thanks for stopping by and we are very grateful for your kind comment! Each different sized nici lion plush has mane according to their size. Personally we love 35cm and above as they have larger thicker mane. There are so many online sites you can purchase from, it depends on where you are located. We should make up a list of all the online shops someday! Thanks again :)

  13. I love the Liselle one and the bear ones Nice one Hugo!!

  14. @Christelle: We are thinking of getting one of these from Germany, hmm :)))

  15. Do they sell in Malaysia? I wish to have the Jolly Lovely one....! Um... Is the cream coloured bear the minily bear I've been talking about?

  16. I'd love to have one!

  17. Hello dear Christelle, the minily bear is the minily version of the cream coloured bear. The bed sheets are very expensive but if we get it our flock will be thrilled to sleep on it :D

  18. How much is it, Hugo? In Malaysian Ringgit, so Malaysia doesnt sell these.... too bad >_<

  19. Hi Christelle, you can have a look at the prices from the NICI official web shop. The current Ringgit to Euro exchange rate is about 4. The cheapest bed linen easily cost RM120.

  20. Ok, thanks Hugo.

  21. Hi Hugo I am looking for wedding gift for bed linen for my freidn u got any recommendation can email me earliest
