
Friday, April 8, 2011

Elsa meets Gustav?

Remember Jolly Elsa who just arrived at NICI-Mania last week? NICI de created Elsa & Gustav as a pair but Elsa came here alone because we haven't found a good looking Gustav suitable for our gorgeous Elsa. An interesting mini Elsa-Gustav-episode happened here at NICI-Mania and we were laughing all over it, we'll show you what happened!

Gustav! Elsa exclaimed upon seeing a familiar figure with similar ear shape as Gustav. Elsa was too excited to have any suspicious doubts in her mind towards the Gustav she's looking at right in front of her. Elsa rushes towards the Gustav figure in delight but what she don't know was


Mischievous Jolly Sheebo at his usual shenanigan impersonating Gustav to cheat Elsa of her feelings. Sheebo thinks thats flipping out his ears made him look like Gustav as the unique ear design is one of the trademark of Elsa & Gustav sheep. You really think you are a genius orange NICI sheep?


Our gullible Jolly Elsa fell for it! Elsa hugs the Gustav imitation and Jolly Sheebo is on cloud nine now. Sheebo's evil plan a success! But Elsa is not a dumb girl though, she is just too blinded by love. Just when Elsa is feeling so cuddly in Sheebo's arms, her eyes looked directly into Sheebo's chin and realised something was fishy...

Elsa asked, Gustav where is your GOAT TEE?! Did you shave it?...

Jolly Sheebo tried to think of an insidious way to explain to Elsa regarding Gustav's goat tee but our NICI hero Hugo Wolf came by and smacks Sheebo's head to stop him from continuing his deceit against our ingenuous Elsa.

Poor Elsa thought she found Gustav. Don't worry, your wait won't be too long. Gustav will be here to be with you soon. Hugo Wolf gives Elsa a comfort hug to assuage her broken heart. Will Elsa & Gustav finally be together? Stay tuned to find out soon! ^_^


  1. Poor Elsa, nearly fell into the trap. Hopefully soon have to Gustav and thus finally be reunited hehe ^_^

  2. Hihi, naughty boy our Sheebo!
    We hope that Gustav arrives soon and Elsa will finally find her true love :)

  3. Hahaha.. Nice try, Sheebo..
    Maybe you should find a nice female sheep for Sheebo too.. ;) He's lonely now.

    I saw a nice looking Gustav too in Jakarta. ;) *evil grin* force you to come to Jakarta. hahaha..

  4. @Bea: Sheebo's imitation ears is almost a success, thats why Elsa almost fell for it. Elsa and Gustav will be united very soon though :D

    @Raquel: Hehe, that is one of the cute thing we like about Sheebo, he is very naughty. Do you wanna see Sheebo pull off more shenanigans like this? ^_^

    @NICI-Wildfriends: The tempting part is, Jakarta is very near and tons of nici toys there. Good idea, Sheebo needs a partner too. We should find a nice nici sheep for him :p

  5. Haha, our Sheebo is really a clever boy with brilliant ideas. And Ute says that he would be a good "second quality" until Gustav arrives...And he also deserves a loving girlfriend. We send kisses to Elsa and Sheebo (heart)

  6. Maybe elsa needs a pair of glasses so she can see clearly from far ... Poor Sheebo will be heart broken when Gustav arrives ;p
